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Luna Is A Bep


Luna Is A Bep,2018 始在家創作低傳真(lo-fi)音樂,以文字出發,寫成饒舌音樂紀錄生活。由於音樂類型不拘一格,Luna Is A Bep活躍於不同音樂平台,如 ViuTV 的音樂節目 《Chill Club》、叱咤 903 流行曲頒奬禮 2023、亦曾於 Tone Music Awards 2022 憑《每當幻變時》一曲獲最佳電子音樂單曲奬。五年間於多個音樂會中參演,更活躍於 Clockenflap、HKT西九音樂節等國際級大型音樂節。


除了獨立創作,Luna 亦積極與不同組織與創作人交流。如在 2019 年與食環署的「清潔龍呀德」合唱一曲《我的過去一言難盡但可以唱出來有人想知我就用歌聲答你thx》並參與創作部分。同時亦如一眾主流及獨立音樂人合作,曾合作單位包括KB、火火、mansonvibes、Jess@WHIZZ、Kerryta、Zelos 黃凱逸等。2022 年有機會與 mansonvibes 張進翹合唱電影《緣路山旮旯》之同名主題曲,同年獲香港城市大學邀請擔任真人圖書館,與大學生分享獨立音樂之路。

Luna Is A Bep is a Hong Kong-based female rapper. Luna started writing rap lyrics and releasing them on online platforms in early 2018. Due to her diverse music genre, Luna was active on various music platforms, such as ViuTV's music program "Chill Club" and the 903 Music Awards in 2022, where she won the Best Electronic Music Single Award for her song "每當幻變時" at the Tone Music Awards 2022. Over the past five years, she has performed at many music concerts and has also been active in international music festivals such as Clockenflap and HKT West Kowloon Music Festival.


Luna also actively collaborates with different organizations and creators. For example, in 2019, she collaborated with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to sing a song called "我的過去一言難盡但可以唱出來有人想知我就用歌聲答你thx" and participated in the songwriting process. She has also worked with mainstream and independent musicians. In 2022, she had the opportunity to collaborate with mansonvibes to sing the theme song of the movie "緣路山旮旯," and the same year, she was invited by the City University of Hong Kong to serve as guest of ‘human library’ and share her experience in independent music with university students.

Previous shows

Luna is a bep @ Terminal Records

Latest single - Luna Is A Bep & 林超英 CY Lam 〈超英歌〉(Buy Less Buy Better) Official Music Video

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