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21/4/2023 at Sogno HK

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本公司Terminal Records以開幕音樂派對 The Pilot Experiment (「前導實驗」)為成立奠基。Terminal Records希望尋找創新,採用不同於一般樂隊演出的做法。通常樂隊表演的演出中段,音響人員會上台調整下一隊伍的音響設置。此舉會令聽眾的事情體驗斷裂; 因此,在The Pilot Experiment中,我們嘗試設計樂隊與樂隊之間的間場接駁位置,成就一場180分鐘音樂無間斷的演出,令觀眾更能沈浸於我們設計的音樂美學體驗當中



Terminal Records was founded with an opening music party called The Pilot Experiment, which served as a foundation for the company's establishment. Terminal Records aims to seek innovation and adopt a different approach from typical band performances. Normally, during a band's performance, the sound engineer would come on stage to adjust the sound settings for the next band, which can disrupt the audience's audiovisual experience. Therefore, in The Pilot Experiment, we tried to design interstitial connection positions between bands to achieve a non-stop 180-minute music performance without interruption, allowing the audience to better immerse themselves in the aesthetic music experience we designed.

Terminal Records同時作為自己的主辦單位,包辦活動策劃,演唱會流程演出設計、舞台效果(音響及燈光)、美術及設計、公關宣傳推廣及邀請贊助商支持參與。Terminal Records團隊成員各有專業,社會連結甚廣,因此由場地選擇、海報設計、電台宣傳到花絮攝製團隊,Terminal Records都對此素有經驗。


由活動策劃到活動結束,Terminal Records成功吸引逾150位觀眾親身參與其首個線下活動,當中不乏電台DJ、文藝復興基金會成員、音樂發行公司、串流平台負責人等業內人士到場支持。知名的主流媒體如商業電台、明報等階層訪問或報道有關Terminal的成立於活動於活動。


Terminal Records also acts as its own organizer, handling event planning, concert program design, stage effects (sound and lighting), art and design, public relations, promotion, and inviting sponsors to participate and support the event. Each Terminal Records member has their own expertise and extensive social connections, so we have experience in everything from venue selection, poster design, radio promotion, to video arrangement and filming.

Terminal Records successfully attracted over 150 audiences to participate in its first offline event, including radio DJs, Renaissance Foundation members, music distribution companies, and streaming platform managers who came to support the event. Well-known mainstream media such as Commercial Radio and Ming Pao have interviewed or reported on Terminal's establishment and events.


【Terminal Records Presents】
Behind The Scene - The Pilot 
Experiment Debut Showcase

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